In Your

Early Childhood Centre
And Groups

Imagine the excitement of your childrens’ success in music
As they discover music through their first instrument – their voice.

Beat ... pitch … tempo … rhythm … listening … singing

No struggling with uncoordinated fingers, or trying to hold an instrument.

Fun, success, achievement … laughter and bubbling self esteem.

This is Jill’s Music

Using Kodaly, Dalcrose, Primary school and
Early Childhood studies
A long term teacher at Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.

Jill’s Music is developmentally appropriate according to the child's needs.
Appropriate, yet challenging.

Jill’s Music
Responsive to and enabling the seven intelligences
(Howard Gardner - Frames of Mind 1983)

In your School or Centre
Imagine the variety added to the day.
Something special for the child.

The value to the parents.
The value to you with a professional service to
market your School, Centre or Group.

Jill’s music in your classroom

Contact Jill now

by using the Form below

I am interested in your Classes, Jill ...

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

Please complete the challenge that you see below.


All information is strictly confidential
to and is ONLY to
enable Jill to get in touch with you.

Or telephone: 02 9484 7226 Sydney, Australia

With your message, also leave your name and return phone number

Or mail:

Jill’s Music Studios
PO Box 2040
Normanhurst NSW 2120 Australia

Jill’s Music Studios
Making music together

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