Musical Moments

Teacher Training At Its Finest

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Professional Development in Music Education for Educators working with children

Early Childhood Music Workshops 3 – 5 years

MUSIC BEYOND THE BASICS for 3 to 5 years

Plan fun opportunities for intentional teaching in music


Beat, Rhythm and Percussion Instruments

Sing, Games and Dances

  • Fun, Hands-On Interactive
  • Explore fundamental music concepts
  • No music background required
  • Music and the Early Years Learning Framework


to explore bringing music into the children’s everyday life, by

Completing the Form below.

Musical Moments Presenter

Jill is an Accredited Lecturer for the Kodaly Music Education Institute of Australia.  She is a highly trained specialist with more than 15 years experience in Early Childhood Music Education, providing professional development for educators, teachers, students and parents, who work with children Birth to 5 Years.  Jill teaches children in a variety of early childhood settings.

Workshops can be tailored to your Centre needs

For Enquiries use the FORM below for a quick response.

Jill Holland: 9484 7226

I am interested in your Teacher Training, Jill ...

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