School Holiday Activities Hornsby
Beecroft - Castle Hill - Wahroonga

JillsMusic Thornleigh

Things To Do - Place to Go

- A local family friendly event -

 Children birth to 5 years and their Carers


Held in each of the School Holidays
Use the Form below to enquire about the next  Musical Playgroup

Thornleigh   MAP

On a Friday at 10.00AM
Classes Fill Fast

A Musical Playgroup with

  • percussion exploration and play
  • song and rhyme
  • stories and games
  • craft
  • family and friends welcome

First child: $15  Second Child $10

Baby Free



Applications Close the Monday before

Direct deposit secures your place
Jill will email details to you after you book

Thornleigh Baptist Activity Centre
Corner of Duffy Ave and The Esplanade, Thornleigh

For Bookings and Enquiries

Use the Form below

or contact Jill Holland

02 9484 7226


Did You Know ?

Music literally "lights up" the brain like no other human activity and neuroscience has shown that while some activities such as reading or solving mathematical problems used discrete areas of the brain, listening and creating music engaged multiple areas of the brain ...

Hyde et al., 2009, cited by Anita Collins, Neuroscience meets music education, International Journal of Music Education, 2013. 

       Anita Collins is Assistant Professor in Music and Arts Education
       at the University of Canberra.

Jill at jillsMusic has taught 14 Years in the Macquarie University Early Childhood Music Program and is Nationally Accredited in KODALY and an accredited Kodaly Lecturer to Teachers , and is a
passionate educator in Early Childhood music.

I am interested in your Classes, Jill ...

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